Education Equality Logo

Education Equality is a parent-led, voluntary human rights organization. We campaign for equality in the provision of education for all children, regardless of religion. In 2018, we successfully campaigned to remove the “baptism barrier,” ending religious discrimination in school admissions. We continue to advocate for the complete elimination of religious discrimination in state-funded schools.

Welcome to Education Equality.

Children deserve equal treatment at school, regardless of their religion or non-religion. Equal respect for children and their parents’ beliefs demands:

  • Schools providing equal access, regardless of religion
  • Giving parents the choice about their child’s participation in religious instruction
  • Offering a curriculum that respects all religions and none

We adopt a human rights-based approach to end discrimination. Every child has a right to attend State funded primary school education. Every individual has the right to freedom of religion and non-discrimination. These rights are guaranteed by international human rights treaties and the Irish Constitution. The current education system fails to respect these rights.

Education Equality is campaigning for religious faith formation, including sacramental preparation, to be moved to a class outside school hours. This would allow all children to be treated equally and with respect. It would also vindicate the human and constitutional rights of children and teachers.

We are also calling for the discrimination permitted under s37(1) of the Employment Equality Act to be removed. This would enable all teachers to be free to express themselves without compromising their integrity and careers in the process.

Education Equality Started With Two Core Goals

Green unlock icon with two pink lines in background

Equal Access

When we founded Education Equality in 2015, we set two clear goals. We largely achieved the first goal, equal access, by removing the 'baptism barrier' in 2018. Our current focus is on achieving equal respect for children, parents, and teachers in schools.

Blue handshake icon with two orange lines in background

Equal Respect

State-funded schools should confine faith formation to a distinct period, not spread it throughout the school day. They should teach it after core school hours, allowing parents to effectively choose whether their children receive religious instruction.

Who are We?

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